Full HD resolution: 1920x1080 pixels. The HD definition corresponds to the 16:9 format, as per modern TVs (Plasma/LCD). This is the size I want your video to be.
If you want, you can even go with what is know as UHD video which is 3840×2160.
Here is a very nice write up on how to create a video like this using Photoshop.
You need to get all your images to the same height. If you shot all your images with the same camera in the same orientation, that will be very simple to do. Just put them all in the same folder then open them up as a layer stack. Resize the images to 1080 pixels tall. Then make resize the canvas so that it is 1920 wide. This is essentially what you did for the Multi Faceted Personality assignment.
If you have images taken from various cameras or in various different orientations, there are a few more steps. First you sort them into folders by camera/orientation. Then you do the same thing as above to resize them. Then just copy all the layers and paste them all into the same image.
If you prefer or have cause to, you can import all your images into a layer stack and then make a video from that.
Turn on the Timeline window.
Change Create Frame Animation. Click the button. From the drop down menu select Make Frames from Layers.
Change the time that you want each image to appear (how many seconds).
Play it to make sure everything is as you wish. Then export it to Video.
How to render this with good resolution.
File-Export-Render Video-MPEG4
Click Settings
~file format: MP4
~video format: H.264
~image size: 1920x1280
~frame rate: 30
click ok
click render
*make sure you saved it in the right location and with the name of the file you want!!
You need to host it on YouTube or Vimeo to get credit for it. Personally, I prefer Vimeo. YouTube may be faster as you probably already have a Google account of some kind and can use that to log into YouTube.
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