The total number of days between Tuesday, January 15th, 2014 and Tuesday, April 15th, 2013 is
92 days. Thus, in a perfect world you would have 92 daily photos.
I know that a number of you went away for Spring Break. If you were photographing something that was Ann Arbor location specific, then I will give you a grace of 7 days. If you fit this criteria, then you should have 85 photos.
Your daily photos should all be on Flickr. I have asked you several times to post them to Flickr every week or two. By tonight, they should all be on Flickr. If they are not, this will negatively impact your project grade.
If you haven't kept up on this assignment, please do not try to pull a fast one and shoot 92 images on a single day and tell me that one was taken each day. It won't work. I can read the data from the files. That would constitute academic dishonesty and I would be required to report it to the university.
If you don't have 85 daily photos, then you can keep shooting through our last day of class, Tuesday April 22 which would allow you to take another 7 photos and assemble and host your video prior to class. Nothing will be accepted after class though.
In addition to having those photos on Flickr in a Set, bring those files in today on a hard drive or flash drive so that you may assemble them into a video during class.
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