Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Cell Phone Assignment

You can have a look at the earlier two postings for more information
1. 2 HDR image - HDR is short for High Dynamic Range. Basicily, it allows you to capture across a larger range of tones than can be achieved with a single photo. When the feature it activated, you phone will take 2 images in rapid succession. One optimized for the lighter tones in the scene and one for the darker tones in the scene. It will then combine the best parts from both into a single image.  iPhone users can use the default camera with HDR turned on. Android phone users will have to download an HDR app. Email me if you can't find a good one.
2. 2 panoramas - iphone users can use PhotoSynth (It is a great free app) or the built in pano feature. Android users can use 360 or any other panorama app.
3. 2 images which could only be done with cell phone due to circumstance - think spontaneous images that you couldn't take otherwise- looking inside people's cars - parties - carved up bathroom doors, etc....
4. plus 10 other winners (anything you want)

please place an emphasis on composition

Camera + is a nice app for the iPhone and iPad that allows you to separate the focus selector from the exposure area selector. It is only 99 cents.

You don't need to edit these before next class. Just take them while you are out and about. Upload them to Flickr as you go or when you have time.

Please email me with any questions. 

Have a wonderful vacation.

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